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with 100-days celebration of it's opening. In fact it was first called the Flavian Amphitheatre in honor of the emperor Vespasian.
How to get
The Colosseum is placed in the center of Rome, you'll never pass by it when you walk in the city. Also you can get here by metro (the Colosseo station, line B), by tram #3 or by bus # 60, 75, 85,87. 271, 571, 175, 186, 810, C3.
The Colosseum`s history
The largest amphitheatre was built of concrete and sand by 30 000 of slaves.
It's 615 ft long and 510 ft wide with a base area of 6 acres, and it has 80 entries and passages.

Photo: The Colosseum's structure
The Colosseum could accomodate over 75 000 people and was opened for everyone from the emperors to the common citizens, but there were special places for each social category.
Also the amphitheatre had the elevator system under the stage and the unique hydraulic system.
Interesting facts
The Colosseum was used not only for gladiator games and shows, but for public executions too. Moreover, the viewers could choose the execution method from more than 270 options.

Photo: the Colosseum in the present day, © Adrian Drumea
In 523 AD the Colosseum has started destroying, and the part of it's stones was later used for building the Saint Peter's Basilica.

Photo: the Colloseum at night, © Justin Pooley
Over 200 cats are living here today. According to the Colesseum's official website, all of them are happy and healthy.
Opening time
The Colosseum is opened daily except January,1 and December, 25. It openes at 8:30 am and closes in different time depends on month.
The entrance costs €12 for adults, and for children it's for free. You can get more information and buy the tickets on the official website.
Things to do here 1
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This amphiteatre has almost two thousands years history. Touch the stones, that had seen the Ancient Rome.
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