Adventure Rating in Rome
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How to get here
The part of the road is now located just in the city and called The Old Appian Way (Via Appia Antica ). It starts from the San-Sebastiano gate (Porta San Sebastiano). You can take the bus ## 118 or 218 to get here.

Photo: Appian Way, © Jim Gunnee
Intresting facts and the history
In 71 BC, after the Gladiator War (The Third Servile War) was finished, the 6000 of slaves were crucified by the Rome government along the Appian Road from Rome to Capua. You can imagine, how it looked like, with the help of one of the “Game of Thrones” episode.
The richest Rome citizens built villas, monuments and tombs along the road. The cemeteries inside the town were forbidden, so Romans buried their relatives along the roads, and the Appian Way became the most honoured and expensive place for it.

Photo: Appian Way, © Marco Polimeni
The road was 570 metres length, and it took over 15 days to get from the beginning of Appian Road to it's end.
The Appian Way in the modern Italy
In the middle ages the road became the popular pilgrimage place. And today a lot of people also come here to see the catacombs, where the Christian Saints are buried.
Now the Appian Way is the public road, it's mostly asphalted, but some parts have saved it's initial appearance. The road is closed for the traffic on the weekends.
Along the Way you can find the catacombs, churches, mausoleums and ancient villas. Park of the Caffarella with it's meadows, sheep and the old farm, where the tasty cottage cheese is sold, is placed here too.
Things to do here 1
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Rent a bicycle and go on a road with which the Roman legions began their conquest.
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