Adventure Rating in Chernobyl
TOP-14 adventure's step-by-steprecipes & lifehacks

Photo: The city Pripyat before the accident at the Chernobyl NPP
The youngest city in the USSR, Pripyat, was only two kilometers from Chernobyl and took the biggest impact. To save people they were literally taken from the streets away from the place of the catastrophe without money and documents, children were taken from the kindergartens and schools not by happy parents, but by rescuers. In this whole mess, often it took several days to find their loved ones, and then for years to restore their documents.

Photo: Pripyat, © Wiltsguy @flickr

Photo: School in Pripyat, © Jennifer Boyer
Residents were not allowed to take away pets (they stayed around the city or were shot to prevent the spread of radiation). It was impossible to take things from the apartments, and the clothes were burned after the evacuation. Therefore, although the dead city was plundered by marauders and stalkers, it is still possible to see abandoned apartments in which Soviet furniture remained, and communist posters and paintings hang on the shabby walls.

Photo: Pripyat, © Jaroslav Popelka
Now the abandoned city of Pripyat looks like a shot from a horror film. Wild animals roam on once picturesque wide streets, the houses are almost destroyed, and trees have grown on their roofs. Once a modern medical unit turned into a horror house with broken windows, walls with peeling paint and droppers and medicines lying on the floor. Toys blackened by age are scattered throughout the school. Carousels and attractions in the amusement park turned into heaps of scrap metal. And only the huge Ferris wheel which never worked, reminds of the existence of the amusement park. It became a symbol of a dead ghost town Pripyat and the whole Chernobyl disaster.

Photo: Somewhere in Pripyat, © Michael Kötter

Photo: © Jaroslav Popelka
Things to do here 8
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The world's largest abandoned radar station is must-see in Chernobyl.
Have you ever seen wild animals walking free through the city? Come to Pripyat, where this situation is quite normal.
Secret station Duga-radar every year beckons daredevils wishing to climb to its top.
From one of the highest Pripyat building's top you can see all the ghost-city.
On the walls of buildings in Pripyat you can see the famous street art.
Magnificent, melancholic, mutilated by nature and overgrown with greenery, a gloomy ghost town Pripyat, that's the place definitely worth a stroll!
This amusement park in gost town was fated to turn into ruins and never hear the sounds of joyful children's laught.
The pianos and grand pianos are kind of a visit card of the city. They can be found in the left houses, but the best ones are in the abandoned Music School.
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