How to feed giant catfish in ChernobylHow to see the giant secret station Duga-radar in ChernobylHow to see animals living in the ghost town in ChernobylHow to climb to the secret station Duga radar in ChernobylHow to climb up the the roof of 16-story building in ChernobylHow to climb onto the abandoned port crane in ChernobylHow to see ghost houses in the exclusion zone in Chernobyl
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The abandoned Polissya Hotel in the center of a Pripyat ghost town, where in April 1986 the liquidators of the accident were based.
The Polissya Hotel was built and commissioned in 1970. It is located in the center of Pripyat near the Ferris wheel and the Energetik culture house. The hotel was arranged with a park and on the upper floors was planned to build a cafe with a beautiful view on the city.
During the consequences elimination of disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Polissya Hotel was an informational headquarters that coordinated the work of the air services.
Because of the Chernobyl accident, the hotel was abandoned as well as other buildings in Pripyat. The population was evacuated and the interiors of the hotel were robbed by looters.
An amazingly tempting and simultaneously frightening place, which has become popular thank to many games and movies - is truly worthy of its reputation.
Chernobyl backwater - a place where, before the accident, old ships were collected for disposal or repair, turned into a cemetery of radioactive barges and ships.