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Before the catastrophe, Azure Swimming Pool was a very beautiful place. Here the townspeople and visitors of the city came to swim and relax.
Azure Swimming Pool was built in 1970 and worked until 1992. Even after the Chernobyl disaster local workers and liquidators used the services of the pool, because this place was the most "clean" in terms of radioactive background.
Nowadays Azure Swimming Pool is completely abandoned. There are no high windowpanes,inside the pool you can see graffiti, but the diving tower still looks glorious.
Until April 1986, Pripyat Prometheus cinema was the most popular place for meetings and leisure activities by watching films and visiting inner canteen.
An eerie place, where all your body shivers - the hospital, which was the first to receive affected from the explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
An amazingly tempting and simultaneously frightening place, which has become popular thank to many games and movies - is truly worthy of its reputation.