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An artificial reservoir built to cool the reactors of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is the habitat of the giant catfish.
The artificial pond of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and its channels were created to cool its reactors. During the accident at the station in the cooling pond, fragments of the exploded reactor as well as many other contaminated elements were thrown away.
Now the level of water pollution in the pond has significantly decreased - radioactive nuclides have settled to the bottom and covered with bottom sediments.
Nowadays, from the bridge over the canal, plant workers and visitors feed fishes including huge catfishes, some them weigh from 70 kilograms and reach a length of three or more meters!
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Trees in the forest became frighteningly red and their radioactive glow could be seen in the night, because of the radioactive substances ejection into the atmosphere.
Shortly before the Chernobyl disaster, here, in Pripyat, located in a couple kilometers from the power plant, the construction of the KGB building began.
An amazingly tempting and simultaneously frightening place, which has become popular thank to many games and movies - is truly worthy of its reputation.