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Until April 1986, Pripyat Prometheus cinema was the most popular place for meetings and leisure activities by watching films and visiting inner canteen.
The Prometheus Cinema is located to the east of the Palace of Culture Energetik and the Amusement Park. In days before the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster it was a very popular place among the local population. People appointed meetings here, visited a cafe set up inside, watched different movies and strolled around the territory.
Now the movie theater last forever in April 1986. The area in front of the entrance was overgrown with tall grass and trees. The interior is strewn with fragments of the former interior and the abandoned cinema hall recalls sad feelings.
Trees in the forest became frighteningly red and their radioactive glow could be seen in the night, because of the radioactive substances ejection into the atmosphere.
Chernobyl backwater - a place where, before the accident, old ships were collected for disposal or repair, turned into a cemetery of radioactive barges and ships.
An amazingly tempting and simultaneously frightening place, which has become popular thank to many games and movies - is truly worthy of its reputation.