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In Soviet Union times Jupiter factory was a strictly secret facility. Officially it produced rollers rof tape mechanisms for common tape recorders.
The complex of Jupiter factory occupies vast territory commensurable with a whole city distrit. In the Soviet era, access to the plant was strictly forbidden for everyone but the staff.
Before the disaster on Chernobyl NPP the factory had secret government development of the latest computers for space researches and military purposes. Officially products named Product No.
In our time, the plant itself and the adjoining territories are completely abandoned and actively plundered by looters. The huge hall spaces of the plant are very inspiring, as well as basement rooms more similar to secret laboratories.
The basement of the Jupiter factory is quite dangerous because of radiation background due to the fact that in one of rooms still remains a mysterious box with unknown radiation contain.
Until April 1986, Pripyat Prometheus cinema was the most popular place for meetings and leisure activities by watching films and visiting inner canteen.
An amazingly tempting and simultaneously frightening place, which has become popular thank to many games and movies - is truly worthy of its reputation.
Chernobyl backwater - a place where, before the accident, old ships were collected for disposal or repair, turned into a cemetery of radioactive barges and ships.