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This school is a true example of the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the gloomy, dark, abandoned Pripyat ghost town.
Not far from the Prometheus cinema is an old abandoned music school. There is no historical information about the music school itself, it is only known that it was a simple school and ordinary teachers taught ordinary students to music and solfeggio.
Here is worth noting the frightening atmosphere of the assembly hall and separate classes littered with rubbish, musical instrument fragments, torned and yellowed with time music logs and furniture remains, these rooms introduce a creepy frightening melancholy.
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The pianos and grand pianos are kind of a visit card of the city. They can be found in the left houses, but the best ones are in the abandoned Music School.
Trees in the forest became frighteningly red and their radioactive glow could be seen in the night, because of the radioactive substances ejection into the atmosphere.
Until April 1986, Pripyat Prometheus cinema was the most popular place for meetings and leisure activities by watching films and visiting inner canteen.
An amazingly tempting and simultaneously frightening place, which has become popular thank to many games and movies - is truly worthy of its reputation.