Adventure Rating in Rome
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The Pantheon is 142 ft height and has the same diameter. It's illuminated only with the oculus.

Interesting facts
It rains inside the Pantheon because of the oculus, so the church has the special drainage system.
Also the Pantheon's oculus is used for the Pentecost celebrations: the shower of red rose petals is presented here.

In past there were two bell towers at the sides of the Pantheon, and the citizen called them “donkey's ears”.
How to get
Pantheon ius placed on the square Piazza della Rotonda right in the center of Rome. Oddviser recommends you to take a walk here from Colosseum.
The entrance is for free, also you can book the guide tour on the official web-site.
Things to do here 1
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At noon, through the hole in the dome of the Pantheon appears a giant ray of sunshine, and it seems so tangible, as if you can touch it.
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