adventure's step-by-steprecipes & lifehacks

Photo: Earth-road leading to Hatta Wadi, © Boris Kolupaev
If you prefer to take a guided tour to the pools, you can take Mountain Safari excursion, in case you want to go here independently - it's good you are here, on Oddviser website. Here you'll get step-by-step recipe how to hit the road for twisted adventure independently. So, let's get it started!
How to do?
Your way starts on Road Dubai-Hatta highway towards Hatta. You'll pass by Big Red Sand Dune (remember, here you can try sandsurfing and go buggy driving).

Photo: Earth-road leading to Hatta canyons, © Boris Kolupaev
2. Southward from Hatta
Go south from Hatta, an earth-road leads to the pools, take it and you'll reach Hatta Wadi. When it's a dry season it's not difficult to drive through the stream, and just beyond it you'll get the slope across which you'll see the pools. These natural bodies of water are cold even when it's hot summer, and their depth reaches 5-7 meters. If you come to Wadi in the period when it has been raining, you'll see a couple of small waterfalls under which you can swim.

Photo: Hatta canyon, © Jean Jacques Schneider
3. Hatta Pools. Cliff diving
Canyons stretches out for hundreds of meters and ends with 8-meter deep cavities, so you'd better not take a risk until the bottom of the canyon is thoroughly checked. Relaxed travellers can just swim under refreshing waterfalls and admire picturesque view around.

Photo: Hatta canyons, © Jim Reilly
Where to do?

Gorgeous landscapes and crystal clear water - Hatta Pools favors with wonderful relaxation for both - your body and soul.
42When to do?

Photo: Hatta canyon diving, © Michael O'Glyson

Photo: Hatta canyon diving, © Michael O'Glyson
Tips and hints
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