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Elephants on the label of the liqueur are not there for the mere admiration of the colossal African animals. In fact, marula is the favorite treat of male elephants, especially in mating season. This is the reason why doctors of the traditional African medicine prescribe fruits of marula as the source of male power.
The process of making Amarula starts from fermenting the yellow pulp of marula freed of peels and kernels. After the fermented mass is distilled twice, they add a concentrated extract of marula and barrel the future liqueur for 2 years for maturing. Finally, they add fresh cream for the necessary thickness and the liqueur is bottled.
Amarula is a very sweet liqueur. Few people drink it as it is. More often they add it to coffee or use as a topping for ice-cream.
Yet, the most popular way of consuming it is as an ingredient for cocktails. In Africa, the preferred combination is Amarula, mint liqueur and vanilla ice-cream – this cocktail is called Kilimanjaro.