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The name of the flower comes from the ancient Greek god Proteus, son of Poseidon, god of the seas. Poteus had the ability to change his guise, likewise, the flowers appear in a variety of shapes and colors. Their colors can range from sparkling white to purple and maroon.
Today protea flowers have gained an immense popularity among florists in many countries. You can spot them even in the most exquisite wedding bouquets. After protea flowers are cut, they stay fresh for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards they can be used in dry compositions.
There are more than four hundred species of protea plant. Most of the varieties are perennial shrubs, though there are unusual species reaching the sizes of tall trees. Inside the flower there is a large amount of sweet nectar. The locals use the nectar as a remedy for cough. The size of the inflorescence varies from 5 to 30 cm.
You can find protea flowers in the wild in the southern regions of the country, as well as in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces.
Finding this beautiful flower is a true aesthetic pleasure and a great opportunity to make beautiful photo collages for your Instagram.
Where to do?

Mountain with a flat surface stands in the southwest part of the city - on the territory of the National reserve. The height of the Table Mountain is 1086 meters. You can come here by bus or climb the top - by cable railway.