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At the Ytri-Tunga beach, near the farm with the same name, the seals colonies swim to ashore to arrange a rookery here.

Females with offspring stay away from human attention resting on the rocks in 50-70 meters away from the shore. Young curious males often swim closer (at 8-10 meters), get out of the water and flirt with tourists. That is a long-awaited moment when you can take a picture of a seal smiling or winking at you.

How to do?
2. Come to watch seals as early as possible, while they won't get tired of the people's attention. If you got here in the evening - you can spend the night on the farm (for one person - €40, better book a room in advance).
Where to do?

Tiny rocky beach on the Western coast of Iceland. During the last decade, it is inhabited only with the seals.
17When to do?
How much?
Tips and hints
• A powerful photographic lens would be very usefull to take a macro shot - the seals mostly steer clear off the tourists.