Adventure Rating in Paris
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Creation History
The steel tower in the heart of Paris is named after its creator Gustav Eiffel, although the first author of the sketch of the high-rise tower was Maurice Keschlen. But only after the rework of Emil Nugyo the project took on the form as we see it nowadays.
"300-meter tower" (as she was called by the creator) was built in 1889. Construction lasted for two years, two months and five days. All the beams were fastened with millions of rivets, and should not weigh more than 3 tons, because otherwise it would not be possible to raise them to a higher altitude. First, the lifting was carried out with the help of high cranes, and when the design surpassed them in height — the work was shifted to mobile cranes constructed for this purpose.

Photos: construction of the Eiffel Tower
It was very difficult to realize the idea of ascent to the top of the tower with help of an elevator. It was decided how many meters the first lift would go up, after that, at an altitude of 175 meters, passengers would need to change seats to the next one.
An interesting fact is that in 1940 Hitler wished to climb to the impregnable tower, but the grand construction refused — the elevator stopped working, and the Fuhrer never managed to conquer the "patriotic Parisian". German engineers tried to repair the elevator for 4 years, but they could not. However, in 1944 lifts again mysteriously begone to work. But since they could not work in the cold season, in 1983 they were replaced with electric elevators of the brand "Otis".
Height of the Eiffel Tower
Until 2010, the height of the tower was 300.65 meters above ground level, now the height with a new antenna is 324 meters. Until 1930, it was the tallest building in the world, almost twice as high as the famous pyramid of Cheops or the Ulm Cathedral. Only when the Chrysler Building was built in New York, surpassed her in height.
"Iron Lady" color
Today we see a tower in brown, but it's been painted only for the last decade, there is even an officially patented "brown-eiffel" color. To avoid corrosion, the tower should be painted every 7 years, so she managed to try on the colors from red-brown to bright yellow.

Photo: Eiffel Tower from below, © Michael Yuen
Ascent to the Eiffel Tower and ticket price
To appreciate the beautiful views of Paris, climbing to the top of the tower is one of the favorite tourists activities. There are four ticket sales points and passes or you can book tickets on the official website. Opening hours are from 09:00 to 23:59.
There are two categories of ticket prices: climb to the second tier costs € 11, and ticket to the top costs € 17. (There you can visit souvenir shops to buy a piece of Paris or taste French cuisine in the restaurant). The price does not vary depending on the season or holidays. For children and disabled people they have discounts.
Getting to the symbol of Paris
The Eiffel Tower is located in a picturesque area on the Champ de Mars near the Jena Bridge over the River Seine, on the Branly Embankment.
The nearest metro stations:
• Bir-Hakeim (M6);
• Trocadéro (M9).
On the train RER:
• Champs de Mars - Tour Eiffel (RER C).
By bus:
• Stop Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel): No. 82, 42;
• Stop the Field of Mars (Champ de Mars): No. 82, 87, 69.
Radiance of the Eiffel Tower
Since the opening day, the steel beauty has been lit by 10 thousand gas lamps and 2 floodlights at the top. Since that time, the tower has never plunged into darkness, especially at night. In 1900, gas lamps were replaced by electric lamps, and in the new millennium it shone with 20,000 light bulbs. The view was so magnificent that over the course of many years every hour for 10 minutes you can see a magnificent light show, which you can enjoy from almost anywhere in the city, absolutely free.

Photo: lights of the Eiffel Tower, © Nathan Rupert
The Eiffel Tower is a construction that the entire creative intelligentsia of Paris did not like and laughed at, is now the most visited tourist object in the world.
Things to do here 5
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Everyone knows the famous structure of Gustav Eiffel, but only a few people know that at the top level was his apartment.
Rise to the top of the main symbol of Paris and appreciate all the beauty of the city from a bird's-eye view.
At different levels of the Eiffel Tower are located three restaurants with a great view on Paris.
Read about how to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and why you should not do it.
A small copy of the Eiffel Tower is probably the most common souvenir from Paris, without it you simply can not leave the city.
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