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Located in the working-class district, surrounded by factories, the canal and its promenade gives an excellent picture of the life of ordinary Parisians.
Canal Saint-Martin was built in the 19th century and for several decades it is considered a symbol of another, hidden from the prying eyes of Paris. Here you can find the fishermen, barges and factories.
The canal starts from the Arsenal reservoir, on the Place de la Bastille than it goes underground, appears near the Republic Square, and ends at La Villette Park. Through the channel there are bridges, from where you can throw pebbles into the water, as did Amelie.
You can see Saint-Martin in many famous films, for example, in the "Northern Hotel" or "Amelie", but it seems it became popular in 2016 when it was drained. The previous time it was drained in 2001 and then, after cleaning, 40 tons of garbage were taken out.
When more than 90 thousand cubic meters of water were pumped from the channel, the Parisians were struck by an amazing sight. Several hundred bicycles, old mobile phones, scooters, cameras and many other shocking findings were lying on the bottom of the canal.
It took a lot of time and effort to clean the canal, so if you decide to take a water trip or a walk along the canal be careful and do not drop things into it - spare the Parisians.
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One of the most beautiful and famous areas of Paris, imprinted on hundreds of paintings by great artists and is considered the symbol of the city of lights.