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Climb to the Saint Remy Bastionon Sardinia, Italy

#6of 26 things to doon Sardinia


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Go up the staircase to the terrace of the Bastione of Saint Remy in Cagliari, and you will see the magnificent views of the city.
How to climb to the Saint Remy Bastion on Sardinia
On the terrace of the Saint Remy Bastion leads a wide staircase, with two spans, and at the very top, at the Arc de Triomphe, you will see stunning views of the city, the coast and the garden near the wall.

During summer there is a cafe on the terrace, live music and you can enjoy a delicious coffee. Then you can walk on the bastion, waiting for the evening, when the city will cover the bright veil of light from the streetlights.

Where to do?

#5Bastione of Saint Remy on SardiniaBastione of Saint Remy

Bastion of Saint Remy was built only in the last century, but it has already become a bright landmark where locals come in the evening.

Location: Cagliari city

How much?



Guest27 July 2024

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#18Climb on the Sardinian ziggurat on SardiniaClimb on the Sardinian zigguratCherry

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3Monte D'Accoddi
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#24Try seadas on SardiniaTry seadasЛеся Кречетова

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#2Hunt for sea urchins on SardiniaHunt for sea urchinsR.R.Mix

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#13Try cheese pecorino on SardiniaTry cheese pecorinooddviser

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#23Try bottarga on SardiniaTry bottargaLev Сhechetkin

Try the usual delicacy in unusual performance - tuna or mullet roe in dried form, which is has the better taste with pasta or salad.

#3See Nuraghe - ancient structure of an unknown civilization on SardiniaSee Nuraghe - ancient structure of an unknown civilizationEugene Krasowski

Look at the unique cultural monument - the structure of the prehistoric era.

10Su Nuraxi (Barumini)
#20Try Sardinian carasau bread on SardiniaTry Sardinian carasau breadoddviser

Try the finest carasau bread, which was known in Sardinia in the Bronze Age and still has not lost its popularity.

#16See the wild mouflons on SardiniaSee the wild mouflonsLev Сhechetkin

You can see european wild mouflon only on the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, and in Italy you can find them in the national park.

25Asinara National Park
#5Walk the breakneck stairs Scala del Capriolo on SardiniaWalk the breakneck stairs Scala del CaprioloEugene Krasowski

Go down to the Neptune's Grotto on the long stairs, offering a view of the Mediterranean Sea.

FREENeptune's Grotto
#7See the world's highest stalagnate on SardiniaSee the world's highest stalagnateMelissa Clark

Go down the slippery stairs into the cave and see the very tall column created by nature.

7Cave of Ispinigoli
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