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The ornament on vyshyvanka tells a whole story with the help of threads made by the hands of a master. One of the main patterns are poppies, they were embroidered by the wifes and mothers of soldiers who went to war. They had to protect their loved ones during the battles.
Vyshyvankas were passed from father to son, they were a valuable devotee for marriage and an indispensable attribute of any celebration.
Now vyshyvanka is a trend popular all over the world. Ukrainians dress them on holidays and you can often see celebrities strolling in them along the red carpet, and in everyday life.
How to do?
2. There are a lot of them here, choose only linen and hand made. Pay attention to еру colors and ornament: red is for luck and protection, green is a symbol of birth and growth, and yellow is for abundance and wealth.
3. Buy vyshyvanka - be in the trend!
Where to do?

Montmartre of Kiev, the main street of the city, the concentration of talented and creative people, and also home to a variety of museums and galleries.