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Climb to the Mother Motherlandin Kiev, Ukraine

#2of 26 things to doin Kiev


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Rise to the top of the monumental figure, where you can see the streets of Kiev and take cool selfie on the top of the Mother Motherland.
How to climb to the Mother Motherland in Kiev
Mother Motherland monument is in the "Museum of History of Ukraine in World War II." Inside the monument are two elevators - vertical and inclined that will lead you to two viewing platforms.

The lower platform is located near the feet of the sculpture. The upper deck is located at the head of the Mother Motherland, and you can reach its shield (90 metres). Excursion to the upper platform is possible only with a guide.

It should be noted that the area is fenced with the grid for the safety, but on top of the eye level is a free place where you can make great pictures of Kiev.

Where to do?

#2Mother Motherland in KievMother Motherland

Monument that towering over the city, you can find in the "Museum of History of Ukraine in World War II", and on the top of it is the observation deck.

Open hours: from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

How much?

200 hryvnias costs entrance on the upper platform; 50 hryvnias costs entrance on the lower platform.

Tips and hints

you need comfortable shoes and clothes.

Reviews 3

Guest27 July 2024
Guest19 February 2018Правда, памятники Ленину закончились, теперь начинают сносить памятники Великой Отечественной войны, объявив их советско-кремлёвской пропагандой. Так постепенно и к Родине-Матери доберутся.
Guest24 April 2017Брешуть!
Guest19 October 2016Ходят упорные слухи,что монумент "Родина-мать" украинские националисты пытаются снести. Правда ли это?

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#20See Ukraine in miniature in KievSee Ukraine in miniatureYum Bum

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