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Drive on the Green Train around Sardiniaon Sardinia, Italy

#15of 26 things to doon Sardinia


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Ride along the scenic Sardinia on historic train of the 19th century.
How to drive on the Green Train around Sardinia on Sardinia
In Sardinia there is the so-called Green Train or Trenino Verde. This historic train of the 19th century, which passes through the most beautiful places of Sardinia, stopping for a few hours in interesting towns and allowing passengers to walk to the historical places, drink coffee and try Italian cuisine.

Inside the Green Train all preserved in its original form - you will find yourself in the era of the travelers of last century crossing the country by train in the company of friends or in an embrace with a good book.

Green Train routes are different, the longest (about 7 hours with stops) from Mandas to Arbatax (159 km). Get hooked possible at any stop. Start the journey along this path you can from the city of Cagliari, better to buy tickets at the station ticket office, they are cheaper than in the office of company.

© Thorsten Weber | Flickr

© Thorsten Weber | Flickr

The second route, not as long, only 46 kilometers, runs through the coastline from Bosa Marina to Macomer.

The third begins in the city of Sassari, passing several small towns and reaches Perfugas, then, among the mountains and hills, reaches the Tempio Pausania. This line continues to Lago del Licia till Palau.

How much?

ticket costs from €26.

Tips and hints

if you choose a long trip by train, it is not necessary to immediately return back - it will be very tiring. Stay in the city - the last stop of the train, and the next morning come home.


Guest27 July 2024

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FREENeptune's Grotto
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FREELagoon of San Teodoro
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5Alghero town
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FREEBastione of Saint Remy
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25Asinara National Park
#4Visit the Giants' grave on SardiniaVisit the Giants' graveEugene Krasowski

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FREETomb Coddu Vecchiu
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