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They are agarwood chips, impregnated with aromatic oils - jasmine, sandal, amber and citrus. The Levantine tribes were the first to use them in order to drive away insects and evil spirits a few thousand years ago. Now bakhoor is used for the aromatization of a house, a car and even hair.
It is enough to set a bar of pressed wood in a special censer (mabkhara) - they can be coal or electric. Chips quickly smoulder, filling your house with fragrant smoke, which leaves behind a persistent pleasant flavor.
How to do?
2. Search for bakhoor by its smell will not work, as the market is saturated with the flavors of various spices, herbs and oils. You need small wooden bars. They are sold in bags like spices.

Photo: Spice Souk
3. Here you can buy bakhoor censer to burn the chips impregnated with oil in it. They lasts for a long time, because only natural ingredients are used in the bakhoor production. They give a persistent rich flavor.

Where to do?

The old Spice Souk is not yet touched by «the civilization» it keeps traditions and primordial appearance, but the number of shop counters here reduce every year.
43Open hours: the market is open seven days a week from 10:00 to 22:00, on Friday it opens at 16:00.