Adventure Rating in Dubrovnik
TOP-25 adventure's step-by-steprecipes & lifehacks

You should visit it only to escape the hot Croatian sun :)
The Botanical Grden on the Lokrum island with fabulous peacocks living here turned into oasis in a desert for "Game of Thrones" filming.
5The staircase from the fifth season of Game of Thrones: here Queen Cersei held the walk of shame returning to the Red Keep and passing "redemption".
7Beautiful ancient fountain in the old part of Dubrovnik was once a part of the unique system of water supply. Even now you can drink spring water here!
20Former major city, the second most important after Dubrovnik, Ston was known for the sea salt - a valuable product for that time.
1In Dubrovnik you will find a very unusual place - a bar, nestled right in the heart of the cave among stalactites and stalagmites!
1The fortress on the top of a high hill on Lokrum Island was built by the French occupiers in 1808. You can enjoy great views from here!
14Here, among the green alleys and murmuring fountains, the royal wedding of Joffrey and Margery took place in "The Game of Thrones."
6The small island located 700 meters away from Dubrovnik is a perfect place for a quiet weekend. You will enjoy its beautiful nature and stunning views around.
45A secluded rocky beach, where you can sunbathe on the slanting rocks, which are equipped with stair descent to the sea.
22The only cable car on the Adriatic coast runs between the Old Town and the peak of the Mount Srdj which is at the height of 405 meters above sea.
62The Minceta Tower played an important role in the history of the city, and in the Game of Thrones it was not assigned the last role of the House of the Immortals.
8This tiny secret beach is located directly in the rock and you can reach it only from the sea by boat or kayak. It's unusual, beautiful and tranquil.