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Try carpaccio at Harry's Barin Venice, Italy

#27of 37 things to doin Venice


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The famous gourmet Italian dish carpaccio was invented for the permanent visitors of the legendary Harry's Bar.
How to try carpaccio at Harry's Bar in Venice
The famous dish carpaccio was invented in 1950 by a chef of Harry's Bar for the permanent visitor of this place, Countess Anna Nani Mocenigo. At that time it was forbidden for her to eat fried or boiled meat, and the countess was very saddened by this fact. The chef decided to help her - he quickly sliced raw beef into thin slices and filled it with sauce with horseradish, milk, mayonnaise and lemon juice.

Since that time carpaccio is the most popular dish at Harry's Bar, the sauce of it is contained in a secret, because only this sauce turns raw beef meat in a delicatessen

Where to do?

#1Harry’s Bar in VeniceHarry’s Bar

This is a favorite Hemingway and Chaplin's place in Venice, you can buy the famous cocktail here and merge with the locals with the sounds of soothing music.

Location: Calle Vallaresso
Open hours: from 10:30 am till 11:00 pm
Official website: http://www.harrysbarfirenze.com

How much?

small portion about €45, normal size about €67.


Guest27 July 2024

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