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Before the sunrise take 248 steps leading to the top of the pyramid. Spread your arms out wide and turn your face to the rising luminary. Concentrate and feel with each atom of yours how the revitalizing energy is imbuing you.
Every person who performed this ritual remarks that on the top of the Pyramid of the Sun you feel a burst of energy and harmony with the outside world. It's not actually surprising, as the pyramid was constructed by Mesoamerican Indians and they knew so much about the subtle matters, inherent to the human body and soul. Besides, Mesoamerican Indians had access to the secrets of the energy sphere of our planet.
The Pyramid of the Sun is the third highest in the world after the Pyramid of Cheops in the Giza pyramid complex and the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. Its height is 71 meters, its perimeter being equivalent to that of its Egyptian «sister».
If we put aside subtle matters and flows of energy, it is worth getting to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun to see the breathtaking views opening up from there. The whole ancient Mesoamerican complex is clearly visible from there as if it were on the palm of your hand.
Where to do?

In this place Gods touch the ground and travelers can touch the mysteries of the ancient ghost city.