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Photo: The Satue of David in the Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts
Michelangelo set to work on the sculpture after the death of its author Donatello. He has been cutting out the statue of David from a solid block of marble for three years. Later on, when the work was finished, the city authorities found the statue gorgeous and began to argue, where to install it.
Finally, it was decided to install the Statue of David near the main administrative building of the city - Palazzo Vecchio. And at the end of the 19th century, the statue was transferred to the building of the Academy of Fine Arts in order to preserve it.
How to do?
2. Find the remarkable cascade of arches - the entrance is here.
3. Pay attention to the height of the statue of David (5.16 m) and his gaze. They reflect the strength and readiness to fight of the biblical hero David.
When to do?
How much?
Audio guides for one-person device €6, for a two-person device €10.
