How to walk around Piazza Duomo in FlorenceHow to see the panorama of the city from the Boboli Gardens in FlorenceHow to have a picnic on the Piazzale Michelangelo in FlorenceHow to see the masterpieces in the Uffizi Gallery in FlorenceHow to try the Florentine steak in FlorenceHow to climb the Giotto's Bell Tower in FlorenceHow to walk on the terraces of Rose Garden in Florence
Near the church of Santa Margherita the old house is located, and everything in it reminds us about its famous owner - Dante Alighieri.
Find the house-museum of Dante in Florence is easy, it is located next to the church of Santa Margarita. The house looks so old that you can not even imagine that it was built at the beginning of the last century.
The area, where the house of the Dante's family used to be, was built up with new houses, but soon the Italians decided to pay tribute to the memory of the great compatriot and reconstructed his house in full accordance with the original.
Now inside the house museum you can find antique furniture, diaries and paintings of Dante's family.
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In the very center of Florence there is a house. This is a place where outstanding Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote his world famous "Divine Comedy".
Palazzo Pitti is the magnificent building in the center of Florence, whose simple and austere architectural forms give it the image of an ancient castle or fortress.
Very cozy park where in the air are aromas of roses, the entire city can be viewed from the terraces, and walking on the paths you can see magnificent statues and fountains.
Founded in the 18th century, this bakery quickly became popular among the bohemian audience because of an excellent cappuccino and a special atmosphere.