Adventure Rating in Al Ain
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The market is located in open air and the camels of different colors and paints rest in locked enclosures. The cost of a camel is equal to the cost of a good car. And the most eligible "ship of the desert" may cost to the extent of 750 thousand euros. The buyers are pursuing different goals at the market: some buy a camel because of his gourmet meat and medicinal properties of milk, some look for a winner to participate in races or auctions.
Before taking some photos at the camel market, you need to ask for that, as the Arabs have some mixed feelings on the shooting. You should also keep alert and not get caught on the hook of local vendors, who often lure travelers to see their goods, and then demand money for such a show.
The market is open every day from 8:00 to 19:00.
The entrance is free.
Things to do here 1
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The taste of the true Emirates is the taste of fresh camel milk, rich with vitamins and perfectly quenching thirst.
AED 89
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