adventure's step-by-steprecipes & lifehacks

Photo: Plateau summit area is 30 km²
Auyan-tepui that is 300 meters lower than Roraima is known for the world's highest Angel Falls. Mount Roraima is the most popular tepui among trekking lovers. Sir Everard im Thurn was the first who reach the top of the mountain in 1884 - since then trekking route hasn't been changed.
How to do?

Photo: Hired porters can carry up to 50 kg of your luggage, © Bruno Primo
2. Trekking route to Roraima starts in Paraitepui village. During the first day you'll have to walk 20 kilometers through mountain steppe and ford river two times - so make sure in advance you've got water-proof footwear. Second day - moving towards the bottom of the mountain through "cloudy forests" (moss-covered trees and maidenhair fern), inhabited by hummingbirds and orange cock-of-the-rocks.
All third day long you'll climb up Mount Roraima. The way to it is quite steep and often slippery, in some places you'll walk through small waterfalls.

Photo: On the peak of the plateau there are natural pools with the bottom covered with rock crystal, © Dmitri de Igatu
3. On the top of the plateau it rains constantly, so washed out higher slice of sandstone creates cranky reliefs. At the bottom of the mountain it is pretty foggy - you can look at it to the end of time sitting on the edge of Roraima.
Where to do?

The table-top mountain stands on the territories of three countries - Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Its height reaches 2810 meters. You can find it in the southeastern corner of Canaima National Park.