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Photo: The Veddas settlement, © rainer.reisen | flickr
The tribe cherishes their identity - they live separately and avoid interracial marriages. They make their living by bushmeat hunting and honey extraction (men remove honey from combs with their bare hands). They sell animal skin and honey at the market and thus buy rice, salt and other necessary food stuff.

Photo: Veddas usually wear sarung when go hunting, © rainer.reisen | flickr
The Veddas don't wear clothes and lead primitive life: they settle down in caves or huts made from brunches and barks, sleep on the floor and prepare food on red-hot stones. Vedda men wear beard, and women - a lot of different accessories.

Photo: The Veddas tribe chiefs are public figures. Giving interviews and visiting conferences are their common practice, © Dan Lundberg
At the same time tribesmen are not averse to earn money on tourists - for a small fee you can watch them make a bonfire with two stones or hunt animals.

How to do?
2. You'll need a vadi basava language speaking guide-interpreter if you want to talk to the Veddas. You can hire one for 5-10 dollars in Sinhalese village before the Veddas settlement. After the excursion stay overnight in Ampara (twin room with breakfast is about 15 dollars) or just take a bus back to Kandy (departure time - at 3am, 5:45am).
Where to do?

The village is located 100 kilometers east from Kandy. Dambana is inhabited by descendants of the earliest tribe on Sri Lanka - Veddas.