adventure's step-by-steprecipes & lifehacks
Choose one day in Rome and try a pasta in the best restaurants in Rome, where it is prepared according to the family recipes, and you will remember the taste of this pasta for all your life.
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In the hot summer day in Rome go to gelateria and order the coolest italian ice with fruit or Pina Colada taste.
522You can try the unusual ice cream with champagne taste in one of the oldest gelateria in Rome.
217Giolitti gelateriaThe skull of the couples patron Saint Valentine is kept in the Basilica of Saint Mary in Cosmedin here in Rome.
FREE7The Basilica of Saint Mary in CosmedinThere is a terrace where you can enjoy a splendid view of the city - Rome will appear in front of you if it were on the palm of your hand.
FREE35Aventine HillEach day travellers throw coins in this fountain to come back to Rome. 1,4 million euros were thrown here during the last year.
FREE10Trevi FountainVisit the most strange place in Rome - the crypt where you will see skeletons of monks of this church.
819Santa Maria della Concezione dei CappucciniTake a delicious Italian meal, a bottle of wine and have a rest under the shade of the trees, enjoying the peace and quiet.
FREE25Villa BorgheseAmong all Italian pasta bucatini - spaghetti with a hole - occupies a special place. Taste it in Rome.
103Roman seagulls are legendary birds, they are proudspirited, impudent and totally not afraid of anything - especially to take food from the hands.
FREE26Go down to Temple of Mithras into the basement of the ancient basilica and knelt before the deity consent and sunlight :)
109Basilica of Saint ClementThis amphiteatre has almost two thousands years history. Touch the stones, that had seen the Ancient Rome.
4.5047ColosseumShare your ideas of what to do in Rome with other travellers — together we'll make our travellings more interesting!