The longest cableway in the world and one of the most popular attractions in Cairns, Skyrail Rainforest guarantees a rush of adrenaline and an unforgettable journey.

Together with the old train Kuranda Scenic Railway, the longest in the world cableway Skyrail Rainforest is recognized as one of the most popular entertainment in Cairns. Often, travelers depart from Cairns to Kuranda by the train, and return in a gondola with a transparent floor.
It took quite a long time to complete Skyrail Rainforest construction – the locals feared that the cableway would damage the ecosystem of the rainforest. Therefore, the discussion of the project and its preparation, taking into account all the nuances, had taken more than seven years, whereas the construction of the facility took just over a year. Since then, Skyrail Rainforest has been recognized as one of the best and most visited attractions in Australia.
Beside 411 common cabins, the cableway has eleven Diamond View cabins with a transparent floor. Those can accommodate up to six passengers. A cabin leaves the station every seven minutes.
The length of the cableway is over seven kilometers, and it takes an hour and a half to cover this distance. Along the way, there are two mandatory stops, for leisure and walks through the rainforest. "Red Peak" is the highest station of the route, rising above the sea level by more than five hundred meters.
Cost of one-way ticket at Skyrail Rainforest is $ 50 for an adult, $ 25 for a child, $ 125 for a family. It is better to book online. And don’t forget to upgrade your on-line Skyrail Reservations to Diamond View cabin.
It took quite a long time to complete Skyrail Rainforest construction – the locals feared that the cableway would damage the ecosystem of the rainforest. Therefore, the discussion of the project and its preparation, taking into account all the nuances, had taken more than seven years, whereas the construction of the facility took just over a year. Since then, Skyrail Rainforest has been recognized as one of the best and most visited attractions in Australia.
Beside 411 common cabins, the cableway has eleven Diamond View cabins with a transparent floor. Those can accommodate up to six passengers. A cabin leaves the station every seven minutes.
The length of the cableway is over seven kilometers, and it takes an hour and a half to cover this distance. Along the way, there are two mandatory stops, for leisure and walks through the rainforest. "Red Peak" is the highest station of the route, rising above the sea level by more than five hundred meters.
Cost of one-way ticket at Skyrail Rainforest is $ 50 for an adult, $ 25 for a child, $ 125 for a family. It is better to book online. And don’t forget to upgrade your on-line Skyrail Reservations to Diamond View cabin.
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A ride in a cabin with a transparent floor allows you to look at the landscape from a bird's eye view.
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Skyrail Rainforest Cableway on the map
Location: Smithfield QLDOpen hours
daily from 9:00 am to 5:15 pm. A cabin leaves the station every seven minutes.
Official website:
Phone: +61 7 4038 5555