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At the beginning of XVIII century Maria Tussouds became so famous with her wax figures of Voltaire and Rousseau, that French Royal family invited her to Versalle to teach arts. But after Great French Revolution her success turned to danger: Maria got prisoned by the new government and miraculously survived. She made sculptures of dead royal family to show her loyalty to Jacobins.
That's where Tussouds' horror collection took the beginning: Maria started to recreate the scenes of violence and make wax scuiptures of executioners and their victims.

Photo: Madame Tussouds, © Mya Riener
Interesting facts
Now each wax figure for the Madame Tussouds Museum is created by the team of 15 artists, and this work takes over 3-4 months.
In 2001 they made the sculpture of Queen Elisabeth II, and Her Majesty helped to select the perfect eyes for her figure.

Photo: wax Queen Elisabeth II, © Rafael Baptista
Modern wax museum's collection consists of sportsmen, singers and TV-stars, and they all are hardly differed from their origins. For example, Ozzy Osbourn once spent some time standing in the Museum like a sculpture and scarring visitors by starting to move suddenly.
Now The Madame Tussouds Museum has 20 subsidiaries from USA to Asia, but there is no subsidiarie in Paris, where Marie Tussoids started to create her art.
Ticket Price starts from £29.
Things to do here 1
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In the world-famous wax museum you will find also the Room of Horror.
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