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29places to visit
in Sri Lanka

What to see in Kandy —
5 places to visit

8things to doin Kandy

5 places to visit in Kandy

#1Pinnawala Elephant OrphanagePinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Elephant Orphanage can offer you exciting activities - feeding milk to elephants or giving a wash to a big elephant in the river. Try them both!

#2Royal Botanic GardensRoyal Botanic Gardens

In the garden grow more than 100 species of tropical orchids, coconut alley and Ceylon iron tree, planted by Nicholas II.

#3British Garrison CemeteryBritish Garrison Cemetery

195 graves of British that became victims of malaria, cholera and war on Sri Lanka.

#4Dambana villageDambana village

The village is located 100 kilometers east from Kandy. Dambana is inhabited by descendants of the earliest tribe on Sri Lanka - Veddas.

#5Victoria DamVictoria Dam

The dam was constructed in 1985 for irrigation of lands in the Mahaweli river valley and producing electricity. Also it is used to control water level in the river.

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