Adventure Rating in Thessaloniki
TOP-6 adventure's step-by-steprecipes & lifehacks
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6 things to doin ThessalonikiThe central square of Thessaloniki is named in honor of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Here the cultural life of the city is concentrated.

The Aristotle Square is the epicentre of the urban city life and the starting point of almost all tourist routes. At this point people meet each other, listen to concerts and go shopping. There is the central embankment of the city nearby.
The square was reconstructed after the great fire in Thessaloniki and designed by Ernest Ebrar in 1917. The key figure on Aristotle's Square is the great thinker and philosopher who sits on a pedestal behind a line of trees and cafes.
The square of Aristotle is completely pedestrian and is surrounded by many museums.
The square was reconstructed after the great fire in Thessaloniki and designed by Ernest Ebrar in 1917. The key figure on Aristotle's Square is the great thinker and philosopher who sits on a pedestal behind a line of trees and cafes.
The square of Aristotle is completely pedestrian and is surrounded by many museums.
Things to do here 1
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Rub the thumb of the statue of Aristotelous, and let the wisdom and knowledge of the ancient philosopher be with you!
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