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About usAppendix #1
to the Public Offer Agreement

Terms of Use

1. General terms

  1. 1.1. The Materials must comply with local and international legislation.
  2. 1.2. It is forbidden to post the Materials that:
    1. a) offend morality; promote hatred or racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social discrimination; infringe upon the rights of minorities; violate the rights of minors or harm them in any form;
    2. b) are pornographic; advertise narcotics, drugs or tobacco products;
    3. c) are illegal, defamatory, malicious, false, threatening; violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties; contain insults to specific individuals or organizations;
    4. d) the Client has no right to make accessible by law or under any contractual relationships; affect any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights and / or copyrights and related rights of a third party; contain the non-requested advertising information, spam, invitation to participate in financial pyramid schemes or impose goods or services in any other way;
    5. e) mislead the customer; contain false information about the services.
  3. 1.3. The materials must be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

2. Requirements for the information about the Client

  1. 2.1. General requirements
    1. 2.1.1. The information about the services may be posted only by officially registered companies, including private entrepreneurs, and individuals who render the services.
    2. 2.1.2. Customers must be provided with an accurate information about the Client: the official company name (name and surname for individuals).
  2. 2.2. Requirements for the name of the Client
    1. 2.2.1. The name of the Client must include the full official name of the Client (name and surname for individuals).
    2. 2.2.2. The name of the Client must not include:
      1. a) the use of words not belonging to the name of the Client;
      2. b) the use of superlatives ("the most", "the best" and the like), if they cannot be accounted for by documents;
      3. c) the use of html-tags;
      4. d) the use of capitalized words, except for abbreviations.
  3. 2.3. Requirements for the Client's logo
    1. 2.3.1. The logo must correspond to the actual logo.
    2. 2.3.2. The logo must be clear and legible, minimum 300x300 pixels of size.
    3. 2.3.3. The logo must be static, without the use of animation.
  4. 2.4. Requirements for the description of the Client
    1. 2.4.1. The description of the Client must include all the necessary information about the services.
    2. 2.4.2. The description of the Client must not include:
      1. a) the use of words not belonging to the description of the Client;
      2. b) the use of superlatives ("the most", "the best" and the like), if they cannot be accounted for by documents;
      3. c) the use of the list of search terms (for indexing by search engines) without literary phrasing;
      4. d) the use of capitalized words, except for abbreviations.

3. Requirements for the services of the Client

  1. 3.1. General requirements
    1. 3.1.1. The provided services must be permitted by local and international legislation and correspond to the actual offer of the Client.
    2. 3.1.2. The customer must be provided with complete information about the services:
      1. a) the name of the service;
      2. b) a detailed description of the service;
      3. c) all consumer characteristics of the service;
      4. d) the necessary requirements for the consumers of the service;
      5. e) warning of possible threats to life or health of the consumers, directly or indirectly related to the service;
      6. f) the total cost of the service (including all taxes and fees);
      7. g) the list and the cost of all extra or optional expenses associated with the service;
      8. h) the conditions of rendering the service.
    3. 3.1.3. It is forbidden to advertise:
      1. a) the sale of services by a private individual who is not the firsthand provider of services;
      2. b) the sale of multiple services in one advertisement;
      3. c) the sale of virtual services;
      4. d) the sale of goods.
    4. 3.1.4. The name and description of the service must be relevant to the contents of the main image (the cover (preview) image of the service advertisement).
  2. 3.2. Requirements for the name of services
    1. 3.2.1. The name of a service must not include:
      1. a) the use of words not related to the service name;
      2. b) the use of superlatives ("the most", "the best" and the like), if they cannot be accounted for by documents;
      3. c) the use of punctuation to attract the attention of customers;
      4. d) the use of html-tags;
      5. e) the use of capitalized words, except for abbreviations.
  3. 3.3. Requirements for the cost of services
    1. 3.3.1. The service cost shall be the final sale price, including all taxes and fees.
  4. 3.4. Requirements for the images of services
    1. 3.4.1. Each advertisement of a service must contain at least one image.
    2. 3.4.2. The images must be relevant to the advertisement of the service.
    3. 3.4.3. The images must be clear and distinct, minimum 1600x800 pixels of size.
    4. 3.4.4. It is forbidden to post pornographic images, images containing scenes of violence or racial discrimination, as well as images, the content of which may mislead a customer.
    5. 3.4.5. It is not allowed to use images, which consist of several photos.
    6. 3.4.6. The images must not contain a "watermark" – either text or logo.
    7. 3.4.7. The images must be static, without the use of animation.
  5. 3.5. Requirements for the description of services
    1. 3.5.1. The description of services must include all the necessary information about the service and its features in accordance with local and international legislation.
    2. 3.5.2. The description of services must not include:
      1. a) the use of words not belonging to the description of the service;
      2. b) the use of superlatives ("the most", "the best" and the like), if they cannot be accounted for by documents;
      3. c) the use of the list of search terms (for indexing by search engines) without literary phrasing;
      4. d) the use of capitalized words, except for abbreviations.

4. Other terms

  1. 4.1. The Administration has the right to require from the Client to remove the statements about the benefits of the services, or to provide supporting documents.
  2. 4.2. The Administration has the right to refuse to post, edit, remove any material from the Webite "Oddviser".

January 5, 2016